Sunday, December 26, 2010

25 weeks today...whats Lyric up to

How your baby's growing at 25 weeks

Head to heels, your baby now measures about 13 1/2 inches. His weight — a pound and a half — isn't much more than an average rutabaga, but he's beginning to exchange his long, lean look for some baby fat. As he does, his wrinkled skin will begin to smooth out and he'll start to look more and more like a newborn. He's also growing more hair — and if you could see it, you'd now be able to discern its color and texture.

Man Lyric is one busy guy! Such a miracle is happening in my belly that it is such evidence of God's existence. I don't know how people still deny him. 

My Family Christmas 2010

Here is my adorable family. My sexy husband, my too cute for words dog James Dean, me and of course baby Lyric in my belly :) It so strange to think at my first Christmas as a married woman my baby is already in my belly. Not expected but so amazing at the same time.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Loving Monkeys

Monkeys!!! Since finding out we were having a little boy I have hated every theme I've seen. For some reason though I keep buying monkey stuff. It just so freakin cute! So every theme I hate but monkeys are welcome anywhere :)

Another day

So at 25 weeks I feel so in tune with my son already. I love feeling his little body moving around inside of me. I feel so blessed to be his mom. I can't wait until I finally get to see his face and give him a kiss. Its been so awesome getting to have this new adventure thrust into my life even though it was and is scary. As the journey continues of me and Lyric being inseperable I can't wait to bond more with him everyday until he decides its time to see the world. Josh and I are taking this journey together and growing stronger everyday as well. I feel so lucky to have a husband that is standing by me and wanting to be there for every moment. Even though this was was super fast and unexpected (just for all who are wondering Lyric is due at 40 weeks April 10th and the day before that is our 43rd week of marriage and April 12th is our 10 month wedding anniversary) we have taken this as a blessing and are working to make our family stronger with it. First year of marriage and having a baby is crazy to say the least but I always seem to taken the unbeaten path :)

I am so in love with my husband, our baby boy and my life

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Celebration Today

So today marks being 23 weeks along! So exciting to read this morning about all the changes Lyric is going through and how amazing it is to have that all happening inside my belly! No wonder we both are so exhausted all the time!

Today also marks my 6 month wedding anniversary! It so crazy to think about all the changes my life has gone through in a short months. It has been the best 6 months as well as the most difficult but in a good way.

I want to take a few months to express how amazing my husband is. Since the moment we have gotten together he has changed my life and walked me through so many things. He has shown me love in a way that I never thought I deserved. We love spending all our free time together and laugh all time time. He is so affectionate all the time and tells me Im the most beautiful women in the world at least 10 times a day. I know without a doubt that we can make it through anything that comes our way in live. We are the ultimate team. He knows everything about me and never judges me. He takes care of me everyday and shows me 100% support with everything. Since finding out we were expecting so soon in our marriage I was nervous but with his love and unwavering dedication to us we have only become stronger. He is truly my best friend and my soulmate.

I cannot wait for our son to meet his Daddy. He is one lucky boy and we are the luckiest people to have him.

Blessings are all around me and I am so excited I can see them more than the saddness and problems of everyday life.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

22 weeks and 126 days to go

22 its crazy to think my baby has been in my belly this long just letting God do the work to make him ready to come out. I am so blessed that we are being given this miracle and that we are so unworthy of it.

Our son is already and forever will be the light of my life. I am so in love with him and can't wait to see what features he gets from me and which ones from Josh. No matter what he will be the most adorable baby ever! I know that is what every mom thinks.

As time passes I just think about a line in Taylor Swift's song Mine "Your are the best thing that has ever been mine" Lyric truly is the best thing I will ever call mine :)

Monday, November 22, 2010

Our little man Lyric Waylon

So today was the big day and we were so happy to find out we are having a little boy. The whole time my husband and I both thought we were having a boy but many people thought it was a girl.

Well mother's instinct...Lyric Waylon showed it all.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

A blog to check out!

Hey everyone my good friend from high school Katie is one of the most gorgeous women I have ever known inside and out. She has new blog all things hair and makeup. Totally awesome tips and ideas. You should check it out and totally follow this blog.

Her son is so freaking cute so you get some shots of him too on the blog so that is such a bonus. Seriously though guys she has so much knowledge and is just flat out beautiful and sees the beauty in all women so she is also humble. Any ideas, thoughts, opinions or things she does is pretty much good :)

Here is her blog....check it out!

Halfway there...crazy to think that

So today I am officially 20 weeks pregnant! It so strange to think that I am already halfway there. There has been so many crazy things that have happened in 20 weeks and I know now only the best is yet to come.

My first trimester was kinda of a breeze in the sense of having no morning sickness but that was the only thing that was easy. I was having a hard time coming to terms with being pregnant and had moments of joy and well as sadness. Its hard to admit that with the fear of judgment but it is the truth. Medically things have been a little off for me but I have been able to really understand what is happening and what is best for me and the baby for my pregnancy. You can't judge or take others experience or opinions to much in because everyone is different and every pregnancy is different.

As time as progressed and I have had the little tingles of my baby moving has helped me realize this is not a dream. I know it might be weird to say but some moments I actually think I am imagining the whole thing...I know I'm crazy no need to tell me cause my husband has first hand knowledge of this and shares it with me. LOL

Now that we are at 20 weeks and tomorrow we get to find out if we are having a boy or a girl things just seem to be getting better and better. I know there will be hard days coming but only greatness is going to be the end result of this and we will be holding our blessing and our family will grow one more :)

You can expect very honest, maybe sometimes too honest posts in the future as I track my experience of all this...good and bad.

Thanks for caring about my happenings and stopping by to read my posts. Love you guys :)

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Monday is the big day

Okay so Monday at 3pm is our appt for our gender ultrasound! I couldn't be more excited and have been counting down the days.

So in honor of our great surprise I have put a poll on the right side of the blog and I would love to see what everyone predicts.

Please Please Please vote and come Monday we (if our baby doesn't start to be shy) will know if we are having our little man or princess.

Love you ALL!!!!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Names of our wonderful surprise

So last weekend my husband and I took a trip to see my niece and it was the funniest day. I miss that little girl so much. She is the smartest cutest girl ever! I know I am a little bias because her and I  share some DNA :) Okay so my niece told me and Uncle Josh that we should name the baby surprise! It was so cute and quite appropriate.

So for all the ones who want to know our baby will not be named surprise but here is what we are thinking:

If its a little boy: Waylon Dixon or Lyric Waylon
My husbands name is Joshua Waylon and we both really love his middle name. Then Dixon is for his grandfather. On the other hand we love the name Lyric. So we are not completley sure just yet.

If its a little princess: Stella Ann Presley 
We both just love the name Stella, then Ann is his moms middle name and then Presley because I just love Elvis.

So those are our choices and on the 22nd of November hopefully the baby is not shy and we will get know know what we are having :)

Monday, October 25, 2010

Weight Gain

Okay so this issue is HUGE for me. I know many people will think I am wrong for saying this but Im so nervous about gaining weight during the pregnancy. Its not that Im super skinny and don't want to ruin my body. Trust me Im no skinny girl and I already had stretch marks and fat but I guess since Im not in the best shape I just don't want to be an umpa lumpa.

So I was a certain weight (only me, my hubby and the doctor knows) on the very first appointment and the 2nd appointment I was two pounds lighter. Then the third appointment I was that same weight of two pounds lighter. Then at the appointment today I was two pounds less than that. So I am four pounds lighter than the very first appointment.

This makes me happy because they don't want me to gain unnecessary weight in the beginning for the health of me and the baby. I know I will gain weight soon because I am pregnant and I know I have to be okay with it. Its just an adjustment because I wasn't happy with my weight before the pregnancy.

Since finding out I was pregnant though I have seriously changed my diet and concentrated on eating healthy so I will continue that and try my best to avoid becoming unhealthy.

Apt today

So we had a doctors apt today to get a procedure done to check some abnormal cells that came up in my pap smear. Even though I was negative for HPV they wanted to make sure they were okay. The good thing is they are no cancerous or anything bad and just a mild case from the pregnancy!

NO worries! We also got to see our little lamp chop again! So happy to see the little one is growing and everything is progressing!

So next apt will be November 22nd and we will hopefully find out if we are having a little Mr. Hamill or Miss Hamill...if she/he is not shy :)

We have decided on names and if its is boy he will be Waylon Dixon and if its a little girl she will be Stella Ann Presley.

Boy or girl will be fine with us and we are just happy this baby will be surrounded by love and family!

12 week apt

So this apt was awesome! We got to hear the heartbeat but only for like 2 seconds and they couldn't find it again. So we went into the ultrasound room just to check everything out. I was a little nervous but then so happy to see the baby was just fine and the heartbeat was SO strong!

It just happened that our baby was moving and groovin so much and wouldn't stay still. That is why we couldn't get another picture because they all came out blurry!

Some pics

So the first picture is of our 8 week apt when we couldn't believe that little mush ball was our baby.

The second picture was only 2 weeks later on our 10 week apt. I was shocked that within two weeks our baby had arm buds, leg buds a body and a head! So insane.

Our baby love

So finding out we were pregnant so early in our marriage was a HUGE shock to say the least but at the same time such a blessing. It has taken me a while to get adjusted to the idea of a life inside of me. I have many fears and nervousness about being a mom but know that having Josh by my side we are going to do a great job.

Being 28 and just finding the love of my life and now we are bringing our life into this world all within a year and a half has been a crazy time!

So we are due April 10, 2011 so we will have new baby on our 10 month wedding anniversary!


So this is what we found out at the beginning of August......

Our Move

So shortly after our wedding we knew that we were supposed to be moving. Joshua is from Amador County and really felt like we needed to be there. So God opened doors very quick and we got a house and a job within a few days and on July 23rd we moved to Ione, Ca.

It has been an adjustment for me because we left a place that I had all my friends and family but at the same time it was the best thing for our marriage. We love our house and we got our dog back (a few months prior my apartment made me get rid of my dog but the breeder I got him from was able to take him back until I could get him back) finally and love it.

On top of the most amazing husband ever we are very close to his family who have opened their arms and heart to me. They treat me just like one of the family and his mom is the BEST mother in law in the world.

Our Wedding day

So June 12, 2010 we got married and started our journey. It was a small affair with the the people that are most special to us there. It was an amazing day filled with love, love and more love. Here is just a few pictures to show how magical the day was to us.