Sunday, December 12, 2010

Celebration Today

So today marks being 23 weeks along! So exciting to read this morning about all the changes Lyric is going through and how amazing it is to have that all happening inside my belly! No wonder we both are so exhausted all the time!

Today also marks my 6 month wedding anniversary! It so crazy to think about all the changes my life has gone through in a short months. It has been the best 6 months as well as the most difficult but in a good way.

I want to take a few months to express how amazing my husband is. Since the moment we have gotten together he has changed my life and walked me through so many things. He has shown me love in a way that I never thought I deserved. We love spending all our free time together and laugh all time time. He is so affectionate all the time and tells me Im the most beautiful women in the world at least 10 times a day. I know without a doubt that we can make it through anything that comes our way in live. We are the ultimate team. He knows everything about me and never judges me. He takes care of me everyday and shows me 100% support with everything. Since finding out we were expecting so soon in our marriage I was nervous but with his love and unwavering dedication to us we have only become stronger. He is truly my best friend and my soulmate.

I cannot wait for our son to meet his Daddy. He is one lucky boy and we are the luckiest people to have him.

Blessings are all around me and I am so excited I can see them more than the saddness and problems of everyday life.

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