Monday, October 25, 2010

Apt today

So we had a doctors apt today to get a procedure done to check some abnormal cells that came up in my pap smear. Even though I was negative for HPV they wanted to make sure they were okay. The good thing is they are no cancerous or anything bad and just a mild case from the pregnancy!

NO worries! We also got to see our little lamp chop again! So happy to see the little one is growing and everything is progressing!

So next apt will be November 22nd and we will hopefully find out if we are having a little Mr. Hamill or Miss Hamill...if she/he is not shy :)

We have decided on names and if its is boy he will be Waylon Dixon and if its a little girl she will be Stella Ann Presley.

Boy or girl will be fine with us and we are just happy this baby will be surrounded by love and family!


  1. I love. Love. LOVE. the names! I am so excited to find out!

  2. I know I seriously can't believe its only 4 weeks!!! AHHH!
