Saturday, October 8, 2011


I watched a documentary on Investigative Discovery about the Phelps Family and their Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka Kansas. I have never felt more disgusted in my life. This family and their Church run a cult and protest military funerals. They hold signs saying Fags are going to hell, Fag Lovers and other horrible hatred messages. They tell anyone that isn't doing exactly what they believe that they are going to hell. I believe that I do not have the right to judge others and say where they are going when they die because I have my own sin to worry about. This church rejoices when people die, get cancer, get hit by cars or anything else saying its God righteous judgement. True Christians knows that the pain and death of this world is not God. Satan controls this world. We have free will to choose God he doesn't cause pain and death unto us. Blaming him for it is just wrong.  I have never seen people more concerned with spreading hate then leading people to God.

Never in my life have I ever wanted to beat the crap out of someone more than the mother leading her children out into the world spreading those hateful messages. How dare you think that it is even remotely okay to decide if someone is going to "hell" you are not God and the fact you are parading around giving out those judgements will come back to bite you when you meet him and answer what have you done in your life. To watch these poor children and teenagers grow up with so much judgement and hate in their hearts brings tears to my eyes. Watching little children (4, 5 and 6 year olds) yell out Fag Nation and Fag Lovers breaks my heart. They are growing up hearing such vile language and it is being ingrained in them. To protest a military funeral is so shameful. Whether you go to war or not how dare you shove signs calling the soldiers "Fag Lovers" and "Thank God for dead soldiers" when their family and friends are mourning their lives. Those men and women died fighting for your ignorant ass to stand their and protest. Try doing that in the middle east and you will be murdered but here in the United States, which you say is a Fag Nation, we allow freedom of speech. It so foul I just cant get over it. We all are going to meet our maker and how dare you think you have a right to pass your judgement on me "in the name of God". You are seriously mistaken about the God I serve that's for sure.

I am going to raise my son to be kind and compassionate to those that might not be living the way you choose to live. To love anyone because that my friend is a commandment. You are to love others the way Jesus has loved you. I don't understand why people spread a message of God's hatred when his love is so powerful. His love can change a persons life. God loves each and every person and cries every time we sin. I know he is shedding so many tears watching these people spread lies regarding him and his love.

Oh and their leader Fred Phelps is the most vile and disgusting person I have ever heard preach. He cusses during his sermons and is and old, arrogant asshole.

If you want to read more about them their website is:


  1. Twila, This was a great article. From the way you presented the facts to your own opinions. This group of people are the ones the bible speak of "misleading" others. It is shameful and they will be blood guilty for the lives they have corrupted and the ones they have stumbled in the process of spreading "their opinions"-- First and foremost the bible speaks not of any HELL or fiery torment so they are speaking out of their butts because there is NO HELL. Anyone who knows the real scrolls would know SHEOL and HADES are the grave. And GEHENNA was a term meant for the trash dump that burned outside of the city walls in ancient bible times. It meant literally "to cease to exist". Since Jesus died for us he gave us all a chance at life once again, a redemption for the chance Adam and Eve took away from us. But those who GOD finds unworthy will just "cease to exist"- thus the term "lake of fire"--- you incinerate and disappear. I am surprised that they could say that GOD has anything to do with "time and unforseen occurances" since Job 34:10 states "Therefore, YOU men of heart, listen to me.
    Far be it from the [true] God to act wickedly,
    And the Almighty to act unjustly!" So they are calling GOD a liar to be saying that he would punish people by causing death and calamity upon the living. He is a GOD of love, kindness and forgiveness. I think it is so shameful for people to raise their children to hate rather than to love. By them judging others they are only digging their own ETERNAL graves in GOD's eyes. But who is to say maybe some of those people being misled may find a way to wake up and change before its too late. The ring leader and his zealots will probably be preaching their gospels of hate until Judgment Day, but ultimately GOD will take care of it. It is not their place to call people fags or protest at a memorial even if they don't believe in the military. I myself have my convictions about certain things but it doesn't mean I will make a stink about it, its not our place. These people need to get their mouths sewn shut! I know you are such a good person and you see the world for what it really is and it disturbs you. That is a good thing as we are supposed to be "no part of the world" just as Jesus teaches, but you know that it doesn't mean to be in a cult, it just means to spread love for one another just as Jesus did. You follow what Jesus commands us to do, and I have so much respect for you because of that. Your heart is gold and Jehovah sees that....♥

  2. Twila, listen to what Hannity and Colmes says to this woman! She is a lame, she throws GOD's name around like water...She is evil and wicked. She says everyone deserves to die. She keeps saying GOD is MAD and ANGRY pouring out his wrath on us...(first off I didn't wake up to see that today is Armeggedon, second GOD has appointed Jesus to weed out the flock and that day is soon but not today and certainly isn't going to be done by this nut!) SHE IS CRAZY ---She is sick in the head.... (WATCH THE VIDEO) HUGS- Love ya...aren't you so glad that Jehovah will rid the world of people like her in the end?! I am glad for that.
