Monday, October 10, 2011

Tender Moments

Tonight I was snuggling Lyric and I just thought about how lucky I am to have these tender moments with him. So many parents have lost their baby during the pregnancy or shortly after the birth but I get to hold and sing to my baby. I just feel very blessed.

Also while having the tender moment with my monkey it made me miss the moments we had while I was pregnant. That was such a special time and I miss having him with me every moment and him just being all mine. I got to always feel him and have that close bond. I love that he has a great daddy but at the same time sometimes I don't like sharing him! I know it sounds crazy but its the truth. While he was in my belly he felt like he was all mine. Now that it has passed I realize how much I miss it. Since I had such a hard pregnancy I truly never thought I would miss it but I now can't remember the hard stuff only the good times of him kicking, singing to him on my long drives to and from work and cradling my belly to sleep and knowing we were always together. Now I have to leave him to go to college and I miss him every moment.

I just love him so very much and he is my song.

1 comment:

  1. I totally know how you feel! It's hard being apart. I never really understood what women were saying when they said how hard it was to go back to work after having a baby. I still don't know what that is like, but I hate leaving Jack, even for an hour! You're a good mommy!
