Sunday, September 25, 2011

Finding Peace

Do we as "Christians" really show love by judging others lives and choices? How can we imagine what its like to be in someones position and know what they have been through. The choices we make whether right or wrong in someone elses' eyes is our journey. Sometimes it takes someone a long time to get where others already are and have been. You should be happy you haven't had to go through what others have that might have held them back in darkness.

We need to find peace and acceptance within ourselves so that we can look at others with love and not judgement. We are not God and have no idea the personal struggles and pain someone has and gone through. As "Christians" we need to only love with a pure heart and allow God to use us in any way he desires.

I feel a lot of people tend to allow their pride to elevate themselves above others thinking they are doing good when actually they are damaging another person. When we go into the world waving a Jesus flag and act in a judging way we push people farther away from him than bringing people to him.

One sin is not better/worse than another's just that some sin is visable to the outside world. You should look at your own secret sin and work on that first.

1 comment:

  1. I love this post Twila! We cannot judge others based on our experiences in life because you are right- everyone has different lives, and have different struggles. And who are we to say one struggle is less or more important than the other. You are a true Christian Twila and I love you and I am happy you are my sister! :-)
