Friday, May 20, 2011

What a difference a year makes

So Im sitting here thinking about my one year wedding anniversary next month. It so crazy to think its been a year. I think because we have had so many huge changes within this year it feels like we have been married so much longer. Here are the changes we have had since getting married: moved 2 1/2 hours away, got pregnant, learned how to communicate and live as partners, had a wonderful baby boy, dealt with money and job problems and still came together every day as husband and wife.

My husband is truly my best friend and the one person I know loves me unconditionally. With all our ups and downs this past year the best times I have had have been with my husband and now our baby. He has given me the best gift of Lyric and I never thought I would become a mother and he gave that to me even if it was a surprise!

Josh is the most loving, thoughtful, funny, caring, strong husband and father. As our year anniversary approaches I will just focus on the life I have and the gifts I have been given. I am very blessed and sometimes I allow myself to go to a blue place.  Now I just have to figure out an amazing special surprise for him to due on June 12th....not sure yet but I want to do something for him so that feels so loved. It has been a hard few months since having the baby and my emotions all crazy so I need to spend our anniversary thanking my husband for everything.

 Our wedding day :)
 Our first Christmas as a family (baby Lyric in my belly)
 Wedding day again :)
Trip in October 2010

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