Friday, May 13, 2011

Crib time?

Looking for some advice from the other moms out there. I still haven't put Lyric in his crib yet for a nap let alone to sleep at night. He is now 2 months old and the other girls in my breastfeeding support group say their daughters have been in their crib since 6 weeks or earlier. Im wondering if anyone has tips or ways I can start to transition him to the crib. I love to cuddle with him and I hardly put him in his bassinet anymore I just put him in bed with us. I do know that I want to have my bed back to just me and my husband but I just don't know how to start.

Thanks :)


  1. I didn't put Jack into a crib until he was 3 1/2 months. I preferred having him close to me in the pack n' play. When I put him in the bed, I just did it one night and then I prayed for about 2 hours to help me get through it because he was fine with it. Just make sure he's warm. And it's not crazy to check on him once an hour either! ;)

  2. Thanks now I don't feel so crazy that Im not ready yet! I felt like I should have been doing it already cause the other moms were.

  3. The hardest thing to do, is to NOT compare. I know some moms who keep their babies in cribs the day they come home and some who have slept in their parents bed since they were born and they are 4 now. You do what you think is best.
