Monday, October 25, 2010

Weight Gain

Okay so this issue is HUGE for me. I know many people will think I am wrong for saying this but Im so nervous about gaining weight during the pregnancy. Its not that Im super skinny and don't want to ruin my body. Trust me Im no skinny girl and I already had stretch marks and fat but I guess since Im not in the best shape I just don't want to be an umpa lumpa.

So I was a certain weight (only me, my hubby and the doctor knows) on the very first appointment and the 2nd appointment I was two pounds lighter. Then the third appointment I was that same weight of two pounds lighter. Then at the appointment today I was two pounds less than that. So I am four pounds lighter than the very first appointment.

This makes me happy because they don't want me to gain unnecessary weight in the beginning for the health of me and the baby. I know I will gain weight soon because I am pregnant and I know I have to be okay with it. Its just an adjustment because I wasn't happy with my weight before the pregnancy.

Since finding out I was pregnant though I have seriously changed my diet and concentrated on eating healthy so I will continue that and try my best to avoid becoming unhealthy.

Apt today

So we had a doctors apt today to get a procedure done to check some abnormal cells that came up in my pap smear. Even though I was negative for HPV they wanted to make sure they were okay. The good thing is they are no cancerous or anything bad and just a mild case from the pregnancy!

NO worries! We also got to see our little lamp chop again! So happy to see the little one is growing and everything is progressing!

So next apt will be November 22nd and we will hopefully find out if we are having a little Mr. Hamill or Miss Hamill...if she/he is not shy :)

We have decided on names and if its is boy he will be Waylon Dixon and if its a little girl she will be Stella Ann Presley.

Boy or girl will be fine with us and we are just happy this baby will be surrounded by love and family!

12 week apt

So this apt was awesome! We got to hear the heartbeat but only for like 2 seconds and they couldn't find it again. So we went into the ultrasound room just to check everything out. I was a little nervous but then so happy to see the baby was just fine and the heartbeat was SO strong!

It just happened that our baby was moving and groovin so much and wouldn't stay still. That is why we couldn't get another picture because they all came out blurry!

Some pics

So the first picture is of our 8 week apt when we couldn't believe that little mush ball was our baby.

The second picture was only 2 weeks later on our 10 week apt. I was shocked that within two weeks our baby had arm buds, leg buds a body and a head! So insane.

Our baby love

So finding out we were pregnant so early in our marriage was a HUGE shock to say the least but at the same time such a blessing. It has taken me a while to get adjusted to the idea of a life inside of me. I have many fears and nervousness about being a mom but know that having Josh by my side we are going to do a great job.

Being 28 and just finding the love of my life and now we are bringing our life into this world all within a year and a half has been a crazy time!

So we are due April 10, 2011 so we will have new baby on our 10 month wedding anniversary!


So this is what we found out at the beginning of August......

Our Move

So shortly after our wedding we knew that we were supposed to be moving. Joshua is from Amador County and really felt like we needed to be there. So God opened doors very quick and we got a house and a job within a few days and on July 23rd we moved to Ione, Ca.

It has been an adjustment for me because we left a place that I had all my friends and family but at the same time it was the best thing for our marriage. We love our house and we got our dog back (a few months prior my apartment made me get rid of my dog but the breeder I got him from was able to take him back until I could get him back) finally and love it.

On top of the most amazing husband ever we are very close to his family who have opened their arms and heart to me. They treat me just like one of the family and his mom is the BEST mother in law in the world.

Our Wedding day

So June 12, 2010 we got married and started our journey. It was a small affair with the the people that are most special to us there. It was an amazing day filled with love, love and more love. Here is just a few pictures to show how magical the day was to us.